The Soul of a Boy by Troy Kidder
The Soul of a Boy by Troy Kidder

The Soul of a Boy

True-Life Tales Full of the Wit and Warmth of Childhood

Kidder’s stories of boyhood are still as fresh and welcoming as a cool breeze on a hot summer day. And while going on these quirky adventures, you will discover, as Kidder says, “the truth—that life is to be enjoyed, every life is a gift and that we truly need each other.”

"It was moving (in reference to, "I long to live in a neighborhood again"). And even though Troy's story is set in the rural Midwest, it took me back to my own neighborhood in New York City. There are some powerful truths about how we could all get along and work and play together."
Rolando Blackman
Rolando Blackman
Former NBA All-Star

"I long to live in a neighborhood again"

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About the Author

Troy Kidder is president of Kidder Media, a school marketing and public relations firm specializing in digital media and print publications with a readership of nearly 10 million people per year and growing. He is also a corporate trainer and recording artist who credits the success of these stories with many of the opportunities he enjoys. 
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